Who Am I?

Hello, world!  My name is Shamekia, part foodie, wanna-be health goddess, and pyramid climber!  I have vowed to adopt a healthy lifestyle through healthy eating, fitness, and complete honesty about my journey.  It is my belief that when we are honest about the bad and good in our lives, we are better able to achieve balance and a positive outlook on life.  Although I have lost over 80 pounds so far, I am on a mission to become healthier physically, mentally, and spiritually one step and one day at a time and I want to help motivate you as well.  YOUrTruthDiet is an interactive blog dedicated to encouraging you to create small goals in order to build a strong and healthy foundation beyond fitness and eating the “good” stuff.

Most of my posts involve smack talking and humor, but always with the intention to push you, the reader, and myself to reach our goals and live a healthy life.

Are you with me?


18 thoughts on “Who Am I?

  1. So congrats on the blog, I love the healthy lifestyle journey theme, I follow a few. 80 lbs? That’s amazing. Now doubt you should be giving some advice 🙂

  2. Hi, I’m so glad I came across your blog. I’m working on losing a good amount of weight myself. If you’re interested, I post up some healthy recipes of foods I’ve been eating that have helped me lose weight. you can check them out @ http://www.FreeToBeNinaG.com

    I’m going to subscribe to you so I can see your progress. Best of luck!

    • Awesome, awesome, awesome! Thank you so much for your support. I love reading new blogs and I will definitely follow yours as well. I’ll post pictures of myself in the future and try to keep everyone updated. Congratulations on starting your journey, I hope you have a blast along the way. I’m excited for you!

  3. I love this idea! Being honest with yourself can be such a powerful thing. I’m trying to keep myself accountable and in touch with reality on my fitness journey as well. I’m starting to think it’s the only way real change happens. So glad that I found your blog–I’ll look forward to following along!

    • You have no idea how effective being direct with yourself can be until you try it. I’ve learned to loosen up and accept my mistakes, but not being hard on myself either. Life is so much better for me now. Thank you for your support!

  4. You are such an inspiration! Congratulations on your weight loss and get healthy journey! Sounds like we have similar mindsets when it comes to being healthy! I look forward to reading more of your blog!! 🙂

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